Athletic Facilities

Getting the grip of it!

Hello Beekeepers,

It was a back to back Bee games at Jemicy as both squad were invited to play on Wednesday.

The B team were supporting to A and vice versa, in a true Calvert spirit fashion! 

The A squad is still working on the new 3-5-2 that is played in many Premier League and Ligua's clubs nowadays. It bring stability to the defensive side and a lot of support to the offense. But it requires a great amount of energy to be successful, and long hours of practice not to leave to much open spaces to the opponent. 
Another challenge our boys are facing is the number of injuries. We are missing players and it is still a question to know if a short squad can endure the efforts of the 3-5-2.

Jemicy has a broad field and tall and strong players. "Our path to victory will be circulation of the ball and use of space" said coach Mc Bride. After only one practice to test this path, it was unclear if our bees could get it done.
Well, my friends, our bees can surely fly! The A team uses every single square inches of the field to spread the boys from Jemicy. It opened a lot of room for our midfielder and forwards to thrive. 

The bees stung twice, and hit the post twice just in the first half. 

After our first game, we talked about keeping the efforts in the second half, and Calvert kept working, even with a shorten squad. Great effort from Jemicy who never gave up and kept us in our toes for the whole second half and a special shoutout to their goaly who made pro-like saves throughout the game.

A strong game from Calvert with a 2-0 final score and hopes that the 3-5-2 will be the key to a great season. 

A final word to those who were lucky enough to stay for the nail-biting B teams game that Calvert won 5-4: thank you for cheering during both games!  


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Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
