
Summer Math and Reading

Summer Math

We will continue to use IXL Math for facilitating Summer Math practice (review of previously learned skills) for all rising Eighth Age to Eighth Grade students. IXL is an adaptive, online platform that will provide instant feedback to students when they complete each question in addition to tracking their progress and providing their teachers with valuable data.

Usernames and passwords were distributed to Lower School students and emailed to all Middle School students. Lower School students will work through the highlighted skills for their grade level (Seventh Age/1st Grade, Eighth Age/2nd Grade, etc.) for at least 15 minutes per skill.  Please contact either the Lower or Middle School front office if you need to retrieve your child's username and password at any point in the summer.

Summer Reading

Summer reading lists are now available online through MyCalvert.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
