Admission Checklist

Ninth Age and Tenth Age Applicants

Ninth Age and Tenth Age Applicants

At Calvert, first grade is known as Seventh Age. During this time, students learn to become well-developed readers and begin formal instruction of Calvert Script, handwriting, and composition. These lessons continue in Eighth Age, Ninth Age, and Tenth Age, when instruction expands to include more in-depth history, geography, mathematics, spelling, and special subjects.  

How to Apply:

List of 6 items.

  • 1. Submit an online inquiry form to request more information.

  • 2. Register your child to take the ISEE at a test site.

    All students entering Ninth Age and Tenth Age are required to take the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) Primary Grade Assessment.

    The Primary 3 is for students applying to third grade/ Ninth Age. The Primary 4 is for students applying to fourth grade/Tenth Age. Please register online and select Calvert as one of the schools to receive your child’s test scores.

    ISEE test scores should be received by January 8, 2025.
  • 3. Complete the online application and schedule your in-person tour.

    Applications for children entering Ninth Age and Tenth Age are due no later than December 19, 2024. Once your application has been submitted, you will be contact to schedule an in-person tour.
  • 4. Register to attend admission events.

  • 5. Submit the Transcript & Recommendation Release Form and Common Referral Form to your child’s current school.

    The referral forms should be completed after November 15, 2024. We ask that the school send the forms and your child’s complete transcript directly to our Admission Office by January 8, 2025.
  • 6. If applying for financial aid, please complete and submit necessary forms.

    The SSS Family Portal financial aid application will be available beginning early November. The financial aid application is due no later than January 8, 2025.

    For more information regarding financial aid, click here.
Common Referral Forms should be completed between November 15, 2024, and January 8, 2025. Please forward all copies of report cards and other materials no later than January 8, 2025.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
