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Fall Community Engagement

The Mighty Bees had a full slate of community engagement initiatives this fall. A group of 12 Eighth Grade Community Action Captains facilitated and led discussions of social action and worked with community partners to create positive social change. These student leaders planned three successful community-wide initiatives this fall: Bees for BARCS, Bikes for the World, and a Thanksgiving Drive.
Bees for BARCS
Thirty-six members of the Calvert community participated in the annual BARCStoberfest run/walk on October 29, benefiting the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter. Participants brought their dogs and had a wonderful morning supporting the Baltimore community. The Calvert team raised $5,500, second only to the team from BARCS.  

Click here to learn more about BARCS.

Bikes for the World
Calvert hosted an all-community bike drive on November 11 and 12 in support of Bikes for the World. The Rockville-based organization aims to provide good-quality used bicycles to low-income families in developing countries. Fifteen volunteers collected 48 bikes throughout the two days. Once broken down and donated, the organization will refurbish the bikes and distribute them to communities in Madagascar.

Click here to learn more about Bikes for the World.

Thanksgiving Drive
Calvert and St. David’s Church and Day School joined forces to make the Thanksgiving season special for Baltimore families. The Calvert community compiled 65 laundry baskets filled with non-perishable food items. Thirty-five went to the Hampden Family Center, and 30 went to Paul’s Place. Paul’s Place has numerous community partnerships in Southwest Baltimore. Our baskets went to families from a neighborhood after-school care program, which provides tutoring and enrichment programs for its students. The St. David’s community generously matched the Calvert drive and donated 50 Thanksgiving bags to the Hampden Family Center. 

Click here to watch this project come together and listen to student leaders talk about the impact of giving.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
