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Reunion Year Spotlights

Reunion Weekend 2023 will take place May 12 and 13, and this year we celebrate classes ending in “3” and “8.” Each month, we will share a sampling of the interesting careers and hobbies pursued by alumni in reunion years. This month, we highlight Sue Devlin Peard ‘43, Dr. Larry Stifler ‘53, and Susan Grose Rioff ‘58 who will celebrate their 80th, 70th, and 65th reunions respectively.
Sue Devlin Peard ‘43 is a member of the U.S. Badminton Walk of Fame. She represented both the United States and Ireland in international competitions. Sue also played tennis. She and her sister Judy Devlin Hashman ‘47 were nationally ranked doubles players.

Dr. Larry Stifler ‘53 is a renowned collector of meteorites. Larry and his wife Mary McFadden founded the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum in Bethel, Maine which houses The Stifler Collection of Meteorites. Learn more about the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum: https://mainemineralmuseum.org.

Susan Grose Rioff ‘58 spent much of her career working in areas such as urban planning. She then started a company, Rustica Furniture, and makes beautiful wood furniture using materials she finds and restores. Visit Susan’s website: https://rusticafurniture.org.
Calvert School is a coed independent lower and middle school.
